Hey everyone this is Serenity's class if you would like to view how she is doing. She loves kindregarden. She has also just started Dasies. So here are some pictures of her in kindregarden. Have a nice day. Cleveland's Kindergarten Try ir and leave your coments if you want. Bye for now
Oct 11, 2008
Sep 29, 2008
I am a working girl now!!!
Ok I have been working for the last 3 weeks. I work from 11pm to 7 am. This is a hard shift for most people, I personally like this shift. NO DAYCARE. Daycare has become expencive latly. I remember when I started babysitting.Granted I was8 and we lived out inthe country. That was 11 years ago. I got like 25 cents an hour for 2 kids. It was never very long but sometimes it would be for a few hours. I was so happy when I got that first dollar. I worked hard. (The kids were sleeping) But a dollar back then was alot. Now it wont even by you a bottle of soda. Now daycare or a babysitter cost $5 dollars an hour for two kids. OK I have 4 kids that would be 10 dollars ab hour. I could do so much with 10 dollars. Food, clothes, gas, and the ever loving smokes. well I don't need or have to by the smokes, they are just the one luxary I get for not having to pay daycare. Anyways I was etting to the point of I got a job so we could have a few more luxerys. Well thats not going to happen now with the gas prices going up again.I don't have to drive to work but I do because it is so late when I leave. Joe on the other hand has a 65 mile round trip to work. He spend about 100 to 110 dollars every two weeks. Now what did I get the job for? To pay for his gas. I s what it amounts to. So I get to work midnight for Joes gas to work the normal persons job. But it all works out because We get to have some luxurys with me haveing a job. I get the luxury of going to work Having the peace and quiet I have wanted for 7 years lol I love my job I dont have to do Anything but sit and hope some one needs a room. Oh ya, Did I say I work at the town hotel at the frount desk. Speaking of I need to get off the darn computer and get some sleep I have to work tonight. So bye for now
Sep 27, 2008
OK i have a problem. I am addicted to pogo I can't seem to STOP.lol Ok I have been playing on pogo and ignoring my blog. I amsory people but, I just don't have a lot to say about the election. I personaly don't watch to much tv I am to bussy playing on pogo. I also got a new job. I work midnights again. So I am tring to get used to that. I can't type. I don't no how to make up real good storys so it is just me blabing. I have a new web sit of Serenity's. I don't really know how to work it yet so I will let yo know. Other wise I am really excitef to be an auntie. I no I have always said I would never Let the kid call me auntie Em , But,I can't waint to here those words. My nephew is going to be great. Just can't waint. The baby shower is coming up and I havent seen them for a whileeeeeeeeeeeeeeee( Jer and britt Well Talk to you later bye for now
Sep 10, 2008
I got my computer back
Hello everyone, it has been a long time. But, I have got my computer back. A friend of mine came over the other day and we spent 5 hours on it to fond out what was wrong. It ended up being that the antivirus that I had on here wasn't good enough. So we took off all the stuff that I didn't need anymore and took off the old antivirus and put on a new one. Holy crap it works better now than it did when I got it. So i think i am back now. As long as I can remember to do all the checks and download the new updates I will be fine. Any ways it has been a few months sense I have been on so I will give you a quick update. Serenity has started her first year on school. She loves it. She only had two days the first week and she was very mad. She said she was suppose to go five days a week. She thought I was trying to keep her home because I was going to miss her. She was pretty understanding when I told her that I would miss her when she was gone but that was just the way the first week goes for Kindergartner's. She was a very good girl. I thought she would be alittle scared, nope she went into the class room with her head held high and said see you when you come to get me after school mom love you. She looked around the room then snuck me a kiss. She has loved it ever sense. Her teacher said she is a very good student and knows alot of the stuff. When she comes home she tells me all about her day then she takes her homework to the table and does it. I hope she stays this way and likes school . Wade has started the first grade. He is doing pretty good. He likes his teacher this year. He has a few kids from his class last year but, most of them are from other classes. They have three first grade classes because there was so many kids. He comes home tells me he is done with his home work. He doesn't get any home work because he does it in his special ed class. So when he seen Serenity doing her homework he does ask were his is. I have some worksheets that I have printed off for him. So he doesn't feel left out. He does pretty good. He is not as excited as his sister but, he likes it. Logan starts hesdstart on the sixteenth. He is very excited. He will be going three days a week. That means I will only have Brennett for three days a week. I don't know what I will do with myself. Anyway every day we drop off the other kids at school, we get home he has breakfast and says"we have to go get the kids now mom" when I tell him we just dropped them off he says " well I miss them so they need to come home now" He is so cute. I think he will do great in school. I will keep you posted. Brennett is one now.He is getting so big. He is walking every where. Well running. His feet have straightened out as much as they are going to. We keep shoes on his all the time except when he is sleeping. Joe and myself are doing good. Joe also started school. He has a student teacher so he has it easy the first half of the year. He said that this year the kids are great. They are polite, raise their hands and very seldom is anyone late for class. He has quit smoking. he has not smoked of two weeks. I have cut down alot I only smoke when he is at school or gone. then I only smoke three or four. So I smoke maybe five cigs a day not bad for me. I feel bad if I smoke in front of him so I just don't smoke. I hope to quit very soon. Maybe with the kids gone during the day it will be easier. I will be starting a new job next week. I will be working at the Americinn here in Blackduck. It is overnights and it is only 3 nights a week (11p to 7a) no weekend right now. Can't ask for anything better. I don't have to drive far three blocks, I don't need day care if I do I have friends that will watch Bug for me. Otherwise not much has been going on here. I do have to say having all this time off of work was nice and I got my whole house cleaned. I have kept it up and am scared that when I go back to work it will all fall apart. I will just have to remind myself to keep it up. Well I should go get back to keeping up the house work. Glad to finally be back. Bye for now.
Jul 25, 2008
One hour to go
I never thought I would be sitting here counting the hours or minutes untill the kids get home. But, I am . I can't waint , it semes like Serenity has been gone all summer. She was only home far 5 days before she left this time. It wont be till next weekend before we have the whole family back together. Wade will come home for a few days for Brennett's first Birthday. Ya, Brennett will be 1 on Sunday. Time has gone so FAST. I will post some pictures on Sunday night when we get home. We will be going to Effie for the rodeo and to the cabin for Brennett's Birthday. Joe and his dad will do fireworks on saturday night. I will try to get some pictures of that too. Well I am going to go get ready for the kids. Bye for now.
Jul 19, 2008
I am back
Ok I know I have not been on for a long time, but it is summer Joe and the kids are home for the summer and we are always so busy. The whole month of July ig always so planed out. it starts at the end of June. Serenity goes to my parents house for about a week. Wade goes to his dads for the summer. ( I get him every other weekend Unless something happenes down there lol) This year we went to Tower for the 4th of July. We had a blast. It was Brennertt's First 4th he had lots oof fun. Serenity and Logan went on a tub you pull behind a boat. My friend John took Joe, Serenity, Logan and myself out for what we all in tower call the floattilla. Everyone had so much fun. The kids have never been is a big boat like his.( It is not really all that big but they thought it was.) Fun was had by all that weekend. I Was glad we could get to see my folks for awhile. It seems like when ever we do see eachother time flies, we were there for 4 day. That was long enough. Anyway that took us into the begining of July, we were home for a few days then we were off again to the cabin. The kids were gone for a few days. We have pritty much only had Brennett this summer. Even Logan has been gone this summer. He is my little man he normaly like to just stay home with mom. He is gone again now. Serenity and Logan left Friday July 18th to go to thier aunties in the citys. they will be gone till Friday July 25th. Yes, that would be 7 days. Wade is also back at his day,for a week. For those of you that don't know Wade's dad is back. For now anyway. I hope for Wade's sake for a long while. Back to the point. We only have Brennett again and we are getting the house totally cleaned. I am missing the kids though. It is so quiet around here. Joe's sister started a little blog for the kids this weekend http://serenityandlogan.blogspot.com/ That is the blog so check it out They are all so excited even his sister. That about sums up what we have been donig so I will try to keep in touch more. I will try to post some pictures when I find out were they have gone on my computer. Bye for now
May 29, 2008
Yesterday was Wade's Kindergarten Graduation. It was great, he was such a big boy. He had the time of his life. After he got his diploma he came running over to me and said mom I did graduate. He was so excited, I don't even think he new what he was saying. He kept asking if I was proud of him, when I told him that I was super proud of him, he just replied with, I no I am proud to, I did it. I cried. He made me feel so proud with all the stuff that went on during the school year and he was going on to the first grade. I am so proud of him. I can't seem to upload any pictures today. I will try later so come back and look at the Graduate. Wade is the one in the green shirt he is in the second row.
May 28, 2008
Well We are back. We had a exciting trip this time out. I am not going to go into alot of detail I will let you all read Joe's blog. We are back and back in one piece, lots of bumps and bruises. OK I do have to tell this Joe and I rolled the canoe. We got everything wet. Joe's sister and his uncle rolled too. The other canoe went through the rapids backwards and made it safe.I will show you all one picture the other ones will be on Joe's blog.
I will give anyone who can figure out what this picture is 20 dollars. We could not get close enough. I got luck when I got this picture. We never seen him after he got back on shore. We were not around any farms, or houses we have tried to get it as big as we could on the computer but it gets to blurry. Good luck and let me know. Well I have to get ready for Wade's Graduation. Bye for now
May 21, 2008
The Time is here
Whell today is the last day I will Be home. We are laeving tomarrow at noon. We will go drop off Wade in Effie, then go to the cabin. There we will meet up With Joe's sister and the other two people. His uncle will meet us in Bigfork Friday morning at 8:00 A.M. We will take off at 9:00 A.M. It is all so exciting, but yet it is nerve racking at the same time. We have four kids and they are at three diferent places. That is because I would never leave all four kids with anyone that is way to much. I know frpm experance. Brennett is still uncomfortable with new serroundings. Also the rapids are scary. I have done them 2 or3 times now and I still don't like it. But, after they are all done and we get through them fine it is fun. Joe always wonts to do them again, not me. I will have some pictures on her but for more enjoyment of our trip you should visit Joe's blog. It is at the bottom of my blog. I am going to tyrt o upload one of the vidios from one of the trips my dad went on. I can't figure it out. Bye for now
May 20, 2008
This is my brother He is 32 today May 20th. I got online late so I would just like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY JERIME. WE LOVE YOU AND HOPE YOU ENJOYED YOUR SPECIAL DAY.
We asre still packing for the trip. It is a never ending thing. We pritty much use the stuff we use for camping. Thats not true if you would like a better list visit Joe's blog at:www.thebigforkriverrunners2.blogspot.com: It is lots of fun and they can tell the stories. Bye for now
May 19, 2008
Oh to the weekend
This weekend was nice. We all had lots of fun. We let Serenity stay down there. We are going on the canoe trip this coming weekend, so it was easier to just leave her thier. I take that back it was not easy at all I miss the little shit when she is gone. I don't realize how much she does for me when she is here. I got see some friends this time. Mom made the best turkey dinner Saturday afternoon. Well I will be gone for the rest of the week I will be back on Tuesday June 1. I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day. Bye for now
May 16, 2008
Hello, I have been so busy latly. We are going to my parents house this weekend. I am not even packed. That is not unusual for me, I never pack till the day we leave, then I have to do five loads of laundry then pack. I have always been that way. The kids are excited, Serenity will be staying at grandma anda grandpa's for a week. She just found out this morning and she is being so helpful. She love to stay at her grandparents house. We are going on the canoe trip next weekend. Oh ya, Joe has started his own blog of the canoe trip. I will send you all the link when we get all the crap strait. Anyway I was looking though some pictures, And came across a slide show.Here are a couple of pictures.
Well I am going to go and pack now. I will talk to some of you tomarrow and some of you on monday. Havwe fun this wekend I no I will. Bye for now.
May 13, 2008
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May 11, 2008
Well I had the best day. I got up later than normal. I took the kids for a ride in the van Joe stayed home and cooked me the best hashbrown ever. We seen all kids of wild life. Here are some of the pictures we took.
This is a picture of my grandpa with Brennett This weekend. We got rained out we came home Saterday night. It was raining and snowing. The kids were wet and cold. Bye for now
May 8, 2008
Long Day
Today was a very long day. I started my day out at 6;30am. Like most days I have to get after Wade to get readt for school. He was almost late, so I new the rest of the day was going to go bad. He left, he for got everything he was supose to bring to school. I had to bring it. Then Serenity and Logan had there headstart picnic. That was cool it was down by the lake in Blackduck. That was from 10 til 2:30. I wasn't going to stay the hole time but, tring to get Logan away was to hard so we stayed. They had alot of fun. I took lots of pictures. This is Serenity's last year she will be in kindergarden next year. Logan has one more year. Joe and I went to Bemidji shopping for camping stuff. We are going camping with some of my family this weekend. This will be the 4th year. I hope the weather stays nice. We need the warm weather now dry up the nasty mud. I have not packed any cloths yet. I am the worst when it comes to going anywhere. I am a last minute person. I should no better by now having four kids and a big baby to pack for but I have not learned yet. Oh well we live 2 miles from were we will be camping so I can run home and get it if I forget anything. Well I hope you catch some fish if you are going out and I will post the big one I get on Monday. Have A wonderful weekend. Talk to you on Monday. Bye for now.
May 6, 2008
Yard work yuk!!!!
Hello everyone, I am finaly done with my yard. Now all we have you do is pick up some more of the big stuff. Here is a picture of some of the log/trees is drug out of the yard/ditch.
The yard looks good I think. We have alot of other thing to do like paint the house, Cut down trees I think when the season is over maybe trim my lilac tree. Not sure yet. Anyway we had a fire tonight and rosted hot dog and made smores.Here is a picture of the end pile of leaves.
Well I have spent alot of time outside and am very tired so I am going to bed. Bye for now.
May 5, 2008
Almost Done!!!!
Well I have been raking sense 9:30 this morning. I stopped at 9:00 tonight and I am almost done Most people would be done by now. Not me I have the worst yard, when I get done we will have a real nice yard. I took some pictures. This picture is the part were I told you has never been raked. That left scares, Auch!! I am still not done with that part but, I have stopped there because I don'y know were the property line is and believe me I am not clearing that out unless I have to. I think it still looks good. we have to put some seed doen but that is ok We will have a lot more yard too. Oh ya, I am not going to cut down the big tree this year. It gives too much shade.
Needless to say I hurt all over. I Soked in the tub for awhile. My hands hurt the worst. Well I can't get any more pictures to upload so I am going to put some up on the bottom of my blog take a look. Bye for now.
Well I just came in from outside. I have been raking the yard again today. It is starting to look real good. I will take some more pictures and put them up tonight. The yard will look like a yard when I am done with it. I am raking a spot now that has never been raked. We have lived here 4 years. It was over grown and a eye sore so I said Hell with it and I am cleaning it all out. Big job but I like to do it so it will look good Better get back to work before I don't have any energy left. Bye for now.
May 4, 2008
60 degree weather
I can not believe this 1 Week ago there was almost two feet of snow on the ground and today Serenity and I went for a walk and it was beautiful. We went all around town and no one has snow. Every one's yard was nice and raked and looked nice.Then we came home. We raked for two hours. We still don't have it done. We got the front yard done, That was the easy part, now it is the two lots of the back yard. We have a nice yard. But, it stinks to have to rake or mow it. The kids love it they are so happy it has been so nice out. They are always outside now. We are going to be cutting down some trees this summer. It has to be done. I would like to keep the big one, But it has to come down for the kids to have more room to run and play. Also their is a big bunch of crab apple trees that are coming down.(we have two other trees we don't need any more). That will give the kids so much more room to play. Plus when and if we ever get to put up a garage, we will already have the room.
May 3, 2008
ok I did it
I got the pictures and this Time I remember how to do it. My computer has been on the fritz som I haven't been able to get on line. No much going on. Everyone is healthy. The weather is gret alittle vold today. It is supose to be nice tomarrow. We have a Lot going on this month. We have:Oppening of fishing, Logan's Birthday, The canoe trip, and that is only on the weekends. we have the everyday this that go on during the week.This month is the worst moth of all. But then again it is the funnest too. Well now that I have my computer fixed I will be on line more. I will also have more recent pictures of the kids on here. My wrist is killing me so I am going to go. Bye for now
Apr 27, 2008
Snow Snow I was sitting here at the computer. Downloading something with I looked outside to see if it was still snowing, and it was. We have almost 2 figen feet of SNOW. I am not happy. I don't like SNOW. So I sat back down at the computer. Then I thought of this little thing. It was a cold stormy April night. No one was stirring not even a mouse. Because last night the whole town got dowsed. With rain you say HECK no with bleeping SNOW!! Joe and I got a good laugh out of it. We thought of different was to say it and this one just mad me laugh. I wish I could download pictures. A friend is going to come over and try to help me soon. PLEASE? We are going to take nice pictures of the kids tomorrow I will send everyone some just give me you address. Well there is nothing more to say except everyone drive safe. Oh ya everyone go play in the SNOW. Bye for now
Apr 25, 2008
Snow again UGH
Hello everyone, It is snowing again. I can't believe this crap. I thought it was going to be nice . Well Like the saying goes don't count your chickens before they hatch. The snow is coming down with full force. We have four or five inches already. It has been snowing all day. WHEN IS IT GOING TO END!!!!!! We were going to go camping for Logan's Birthday in May but at the rate we are going we are going to have snow. LOL. It is so cold out side, My cat who has been in and out for the last week would not go out today. It was kinda funny the kids put his out he didn't know what to think. He jumped into the door three time then we let him back in he won't even go by the door now. Well I hope the snow stopes soon. The roads are like ice. We were supose to go down to Joe's grandma's birthday on Saterday but that is now cancled. So we are going to rearange our bedroom. We just got a new crib for Brennett well a couple of weeks ago. It is time to go in the bedroom. I have been sleeping out on the couch. That is hard on the back.
Apr 24, 2008
Already Thursday
I can't believe it is already Thursday. Were did the week go. I get my glasses tomorrow. That was fast. I will be able to see again. I don;t really have much to say. I can't tell story's they never make sense. The kids are fine. Joe is good to. I haven't talked to my bro for a couple of day but everything is good there as far as i know. My parents are great and so is dusty there dog baby there cat is a little shit. She got into mom's plants yesterday. That cat is a terror. She get's into everything and eats everything in sight. I am going to go over to mom and dad's soon. We haven't been there for a long time. I miss Tower. Don't ask me why but, I do. It is a small town just like Blackduck, That is why I like Blackduck so much I t is small A everyone knows everyone.
Apr 21, 2008
Well it rained today. I am getting real depressed because of the weather. I remember when I was little I used to love to play in the puddles. Logan went into a puddle today and got mad at me because he got muddy and I told him to do it. He gets mad when he gets dirty. Can't say that I blame him; I get mad when they all get muddy. It is hell on the washer. I was thinking about what Sara said, about the family not keeping in touch like we should. She is right. We should keep in touch with each other. The internet is a good way to stay connected. I was talking to my mom the other day and she told me that she thinks Angie has a little boy named Logan. I never knew that and she is my first cousin. I don't even know all of the cousins that have kids or how many they have. It is important to keep family together because in the end that is all we have. There are certain family members we all keep in touch with more than others, why is that? We are all supose to try to keep in touch, it never goes that way though. When I moved to Bemidji I thought I would never make it. I had to be around my dad and mom. Joe brought me back and forth for weeks, then he went back to school. That was hard because I was there all by myself, I couldn't just go back and forth. I got use to it. In the end it was the best thing I ever did. I know now what it is to live with out mom and dad. It is hard but it is the way it is suposed to be. We all move out but there is always a place to go back to . Then we have kids and the cycle goed around again; that is they way life goes on. In the end, family is the most important thing we have in our lives. So keep in touch with who you can and keep trying to get in touch with the ones who we care about. Bye for now...
Apr 20, 2008
Hello everyone, I was just talking to Brit, for you who don't know she is my brothers girfriend. They will be getting married August. They will also be having a baby in December around the 18th. I am going to be a aunt for the first time I am so happy. Well that is the news I have. The day is Dark here it looks like it is going to rain. It is cold I thought fall was here but it might snow Tuesday. That sucks. the kids hate days like this it means that I have to deal with them being in side all day. I still haven't found out how to put pictures on this yet so I will keep tring. Hope all is well with eveyone Bye for now.
Apr 19, 2008
Just something to say
It was a beautiful day today. The kids played. Joe cleaned the truck and the car. It was 65 out today. The wind was cold but we can handle that as long as it dosen't snow. I had a heck of a time tring to get on this thing I will have to pratice. I have nomidea what I am doing yet I will try to put the kids pictures on here as soon as I figure out how to. The days are going to get longer and the nights shorter,But the weather is going to get better to. I put Brennett down in the grass today and he tried to eat it right away.
Hello everyone
Hello everyone, I was just sitting around at 1 in the mornig and thought I would set up a blog. Thank you the the uncle that got me hooked on his blog sight. It was the story I read of you skipping stones with your Grandpa, that got me hooked. You will have to bare with me till I get the hang of this stuff. I will learn fast.