Sep 10, 2008

I got my computer back

Hello everyone, it has been a long time. But, I have got my computer back. A friend of mine came over the other day and we spent 5 hours on it to fond out what was wrong. It ended up being that the antivirus that I had on here wasn't good enough. So we took off all the stuff that I didn't need anymore and took off the old antivirus and put on a new one. Holy crap it works better now than it did when I got it. So i think i am back now. As long as I can remember to do all the checks and download the new updates I will be fine. Any ways it has been a few months sense I have been on so I will give you a quick update. Serenity has started her first year on school. She loves it. She only had two days the first week and she was very mad. She said she was suppose to go five days a week. She thought I was trying to keep her home because I was going to miss her. She was pretty understanding when I told her that I would miss her when she was gone but that was just the way the first week goes for Kindergartner's. She was a very good girl. I thought she would be alittle scared, nope she went into the class room with her head held high and said see you when you come to get me after school mom love you. She looked around the room then snuck me a kiss. She has loved it ever sense. Her teacher said she is a very good student and knows alot of the stuff. When she comes home she tells me all about her day then she takes her homework to the table and does it. I hope she stays this way and likes school . Wade has started the first grade. He is doing pretty good. He likes his teacher this year. He has a few kids from his class last year but, most of them are from other classes. They have three first grade classes because there was so many kids. He comes home tells me he is done with his home work. He doesn't get any home work because he does it in his special ed class. So when he seen Serenity doing her homework he does ask were his is. I have some worksheets that I have printed off for him. So he doesn't feel left out. He does pretty good. He is not as excited as his sister but, he likes it. Logan starts hesdstart on the sixteenth. He is very excited. He will be going three days a week. That means I will only have Brennett for three days a week. I don't know what I will do with myself. Anyway every day we drop off the other kids at school, we get home he has breakfast and says"we have to go get the kids now mom" when I tell him we just dropped them off he says " well I miss them so they need to come home now" He is so cute. I think he will do great in school. I will keep you posted. Brennett is one now.He is getting so big. He is walking every where. Well running. His feet have straightened out as much as they are going to. We keep shoes on his all the time except when he is sleeping. Joe and myself are doing good. Joe also started school. He has a student teacher so he has it easy the first half of the year. He said that this year the kids are great. They are polite, raise their hands and very seldom is anyone late for class. He has quit smoking. he has not smoked of two weeks. I have cut down alot I only smoke when he is at school or gone. then I only smoke three or four. So I smoke maybe five cigs a day not bad for me. I feel bad if I smoke in front of him so I just don't smoke. I hope to quit very soon. Maybe with the kids gone during the day it will be easier. I will be starting a new job next week. I will be working at the Americinn here in Blackduck. It is overnights and it is only 3 nights a week (11p to 7a) no weekend right now. Can't ask for anything better. I don't have to drive far three blocks, I don't need day care if I do I have friends that will watch Bug for me. Otherwise not much has been going on here. I do have to say having all this time off of work was nice and I got my whole house cleaned. I have kept it up and am scared that when I go back to work it will all fall apart. I will just have to remind myself to keep it up. Well I should go get back to keeping up the house work. Glad to finally be back. Bye for now.